What the world needs now is a little (and longer) R&R. A beach escape can revitalize, renourish, and reconnect people in a way that nothing else quite can. As travel within the US has been measurably increasing, longer-term rentals at the beach are becoming more popular. Remote work, or a hybrid of on-site and remote options, is the number one job benefit in America now. More and more people are learning that, when it comes to Work from Home (#WFH), ‘home’ is where your heart is.
Is your heart at the beach? We all know walking is good for the heart, but a walk on the beach can bring extra benefits. Spending even as little as 10 minutes a day walking on the beach provides you with the ability to absorb an entire day’s worth of the Vitamin D many of us are lacking. Plus, walking with sand under your feet helps to strengthen both the ankle and foot muscles. The extra exercise you get, especially in the salty fresh air, helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Beach walks have also been proven to help relieve stress and even help regulate your hormones The splurge During isolation, many people were forced to forego their holidays. If your Paid Time Off (PTO) accrued then now is the time to take advantage of that vacay windfall and come to the beach for a longer respite. No PTO? No problem! Many people who can work remotely are finding they are more productive in a fresh location, especially one that lifts their spirits. Cozy or spacious rentals are both available through Sea Scape Properties , and during the off season you may find there is more availability. You can make yourself at home, grabbing snacks from the kitchen and take your coffee break on a sun-filled porch. Plus, there’s the “peace of mind” you get when booking with Sea Scape Properties – you know the homes are top-notch, fully furnished, and sparkling clean. Rentals are available for a week or two, and sometimes even for an entire month. So don’t set your sights too low. Book for a real change of pace. You might spend a little more, but you’d be in good company. 44% of Americans plan to spend more money on their trip this year than they normally would have. Safety at the Beach The pandemic recovery, despite Omicron, is picking up speed. You don’t have to feel stuck at home anymore. Extended stays offer more peace of mind, and our surroundings are a great place to spend your time. In fact, vaccination rates are up in New Hanover County (the home of both vCarolina Beach and Wrightsville Beach ), ranging from 58% to 83% of the population fully vaccinated. Plus the beach is so roomy during the off-season that you’ll never have to worry about keeping that six foot separation from you and other beach goers. #WFH? We think you should consider changing your hashtag from Work from Home (#WFH) to Work from Wrightsville (#WFW) or from Carolina Beach (#WFCB)! Think of all the great Instagram posts you’d capture, proving you’re up with the sun even before your first call of the day. Contact SeaScapeProperties today. We’ll find you the right spot for your extended seaside escape.